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About us

The North American Virtual Reference Online Conference will take place over three half days and will be held virtually February 25 - 27, 2025. This is a free event, open to all, and will take place through zoom. 

Click here to register to NAVROC 2025.

Conference Description

The three half-day events are designed to give a wide perspective of online library services in the time of crisis and unique ways libraries are meeting community needs. Learn what our colleagues throughout North American are working on, concerned by, and let’s celebrate our achievements together! Join us for 8 breakout sessions over three days

A little background

As library resources become more accessible in online platforms, library patrons expect their librarians to serve them at their online points of need..  This need has been filled for many years by what is often referred to as virtual reference (VR).  VR includes any form of library service that is not face-to-face or phone.  These online formats include, but are not limited to, email, text, chat or even video conferencing.  Libraries around N. America all participate in some form of virtual reference, but many operate as stand-alone services..  In 2015 Nono Burling, who was new to the role of managing Washington State’s VR project, decided to host an in-person conference so that WA librarians who worked together could meet and be in the room at the same time to learn from each other. 

In the after conference survey there were several comments that asked, “Shouldn’t a VR conference be held virtually?” That suggestion percolated for years. During those years technology advanced, and slowly an idea began to form.

Planning Committee